Some new materials have been published on our website:
- Should We Sing During the Lord’s Supper? This has been available as an 8-page printed booklet for many months but we had missed posting it electronically. Now you can access it easily by going to Tracts on our Internet menu.
- Giving: Worship or Hypocrisy? This is our newest issue of Equipping the Saints, Volume 18 for 2009. We are working to have all of the previous issues online soon.
Our Broadcasting department has been putting together a short film on Truth for the World for quite some time – but every time it was close to completion something changed. Finally, the DVD is done!. It gives a brief 17-minute glimpse of the work we are accomplishing together and the staff here in Georgia. It is available to anyone interested. Just let us know. Perhaps you would like your congregation or eldership to see it.
Four members of the Truth for the World staff – William & Katrece Howard, and Jimmie & Linda Hill – are headed to Iceland for a campaign this month, April 14-29. You will read about William’s January trip to Iceland and the need for this campaign in our next UPDATE issue.
Iceland is the 18th largest island in the world and is located in the Northern Atlantic between Greenland and Europe just below the Arctic Circle. The people speak Icelandic, a language not much altered from the one spoken by the Vikings who settled this land more than 1,000 years ago. It has a population of about 320,000 souls. Of these approximately 275,000 are affiliated with the Lutheran church. The Lord’s church numbers less than 10. Each member of the Truth for the World team will be teaching a series of lessons designed to strengthen this tiny group of brothers and sisters. Updates during the campaign will be posted on if you are interested in reading more on this.
Thank you for all you do for the cause of Christ.
Staff of Truth for the World