- Offering online Bible courses and study materials
- Distributing Bibles
- Printing and distributing Gospel tracts
- Helping to establish new schools of preaching
- Assisting established schools with library books
- Aiding overseas preaching students
- Conducting Gospel meetings and foreign campaigns
Bicycles for preaching school graduates to give them a way to "go into all the world" as they preach the Gospel.
Ronald D. Gilbert sorting Bibles, books and other materials shipped to Zambia for the preaching students.
Some of the suits donated by American brethren for the graduating students.
Jimmie and Ron are both dedicated mission workers, logging more than 50 campaigns and 65 years of preaching experience between them. But their qualifications for this work extend beyond that. Ron Gilbert holds a PhD in Bible and served as Director of Missions at Tennessee Bible College for 12 years. Jimmie Hill earned a MA in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics, labored for 5 years as a full-time missionary to the South Pacific, and worked 12 years as the Director of the Bible Correspondence Course program at Truth for the World.
Together they are working to do even more for the Lord through International Bible Teaching Ministries.