Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February Report

Dear Christian Friend,

January was chock-a-block full, as our Aussie friends like to say. A sampling of the good things that happened include:

• After months of printing woes our new print/copier finally started conversing with our computers and producing desperately needed BCC booklets and Gospel tracts.

• Our teachers reported 48 baptisms, 29 restorations, and the establishment of 2 new congregations of the Lord’s church.

• Following a holiday slow-down our Internet visitors bounced back with 35,377 website hits from 141 nations. As usual the USA was #1 with visitors coming from all 50 states.

William Howard and Charles Franks of the Duluth congregation traveled to Iceland for a 10-day initial survey campaign. They were able to meet with the tiny congregation there and encourage the brethren, make contact with the radio and television stations for possible broadcast of our programs, and start a series of newspaper offers for our Bible correspondence courses. Plans are already being made for a group campaign here in the Spring when temperatures will be above freezing and the sun will shine more than the 5 hours daily that they saw. Eating the traditional Icelandic Sheep’s Head Jam will remain optional.

• We heard from a new nation! The Isle of Man became #219 on our contact list. It is an island dependency of the British Crown (but not part of the United Kingdom) located in the Irish Sea between Scotland and Northern Ireland. English is the primary language. It has a population of about 80,000 souls who worship according to Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and the Society of Friends traditions, but apparently none according to the Bible. Please pray that the Lord’s church can be established here.

What a wonderful way to start a new year!

Staff of Truth for the World

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