Sunday, September 12, 2010

Zambia 2010 Pictures

The last 3 weeks were in Southern Zambia:

The campaign team - Ron Gilbert, Jimmie Hill, Laura and Rusty Stark, and Earl Alverson

Home away from while in Livingstone, Zambia - the Zangi Lodge

The mist that roars - Victoria Falls in Livingstone, Zambia

The ever-present rainbow at Vic Falls

Ron with some of the materials shipped to Zambia

Earl and Ron helping with the bicycles for the graduating students.

Crossing the Kalomo River on the way to Siamafumba

Passing out songbooks.  Notice the brush arbor used for the meeting.

A chimbuzi - also known as "the facilities"

The bathhouse - bucket baths only, please.

It was winter in Zambia.

Rusty and Webby teaching their Bible class.

The local baptistry

Making nshima - the daily staple food much like Southern grits only much thicker.

Gradutates of the International College of the Bible

The sun setting on another great campaign!

1 comment:

the wild raspberry said...

Dear Jimmie and Linda,
Thank you for posting these touching pictures of such a wonderful work! We are praying for you!
Love, The Hecks