Thursday, April 5, 2012

Faith and Infirmities

I have written nothing on the blog about the cancer I have and have written very little on Facebook. Linda has done most of that and I am thankful to her for doing so. I am also thankful for the concern over my health and the accompanying prayers from my friends and brethren. 

However, several folks have asked me about my state of mind during this illness knowing that this is incurable. So let me answer in this short note.

Well, I am not happy about it. Just as I am sure that Paul and Silas were not happy about being in the inner prison with their feet fastened in stocks. But, although not happy, they were joyous praying and singing hymns to God (Acts 16:24, 25). An illness, such as incurable cancer, can torture and hamper the body. However, it cannot affect one’s spirit unless one allows it to do so. Illnesses such as this should set up a greater praise to God who always hears the prayers of the righteous. Remember Paul also prayed that his “thorn in the flesh” might be removed three times but God told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:8, 9). While God did not remove the thorn, He did assure Paul that he would not be overcome by it. Like Paul, we should take pleasure in our infirmities because of the effect they have on our morale. The greater our trials, the more we should realize the value of the Lord’s help. That is why Paul could say, “For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). So, I will continue to work for the Lord doing what I can when I can, teaching, preaching, and presenting the work of IBTM.

So folks, my faith is not shaken nor depleted in any way.

As I continue to pray (and hope that you will also – prayer does change things), that the cancer be removed from my body I also continue to pray “Your will be done” (Matthew 6:10) because God knows what it best for all. 

Thank you once again and remember, whatever happens, happens – God knows best!

- Jimmie


librarydragon said...

My prayers are with you and your family. Hang in there!

Kristen said...

We love you both and are praying for you!