Thursday, April 23, 2009

Iceland - Day 9

"Gleði legt sumar! Takk fyrir veturinn!" That is how Marias greeted us this afternoon.

Today was a national holiday so there was no school and many businesses were closed. It was Sumardagurinn fyrsti - the first day of summer. The ancient Icelandic calendar viewed the world as having only two seasons: skammdegi - short days (winter) and náttleysi - nightless days (summer). So what Marias told us today was "Happy Summer! Thank you for the weather!" It actually snowed in Reykjavìk last night and this afternoon it was a solid grey world with a steady rain and 41 degrees. But summer has officially arrived in Iceland.

We held the last of our scheduled workshops early this afternoon since Darlene had to be at work at 6 pm. It went long because there were many questions asked so Darlene waited until the very last moment possible and still make it to her job. It is wonderful to meet with people who are eager to learn more.

We headed back to the B & B afterwards since Gyða had filled all of us to the brim with her wonderful afternoon coffee. Marias was telling us that afternoon coffee or tea with lots of little snacks is a tradition here. Gyða had again made her delicious pönnukökur (very thin pancakes) served with fruit preserves and whipped cream that have been a major hit with all of our group. The cream crackers with egg salad or bacon spread have been very popular as well. But today she also had something new, Icelandic brown bread served with butter and salami. Very good! No wonder her afternoon coffee served as our supper tonight.

- Linda

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